i ve been told it is perfectly possible and legal to work without a national insurance number -do many employers allow this? - i ask this as a relative from abroad as indefinite leave to stay in the uk and wishes to apply for a NI number but was told by the irevenue that they need to see proof of actively seeking work(which confused me as i assumed no NI = no work), besides i cant see relevance of active seeking work to apply for a NI number To add further confusion they asked whether the application for NI was to claim benefits or for work -either as far as i am concerned(but i told them for work , not knowing of active work seeking). confused
Tali122, I work for DWP and used to interview people who were applying for NI numbers, and I can definitely confirm that what you have been told is correct.
The only occasions when you would need to have a NI no is if you are either working (or about to start work, hence the question about actively seeking work) or you wish to apply for a benefit.
If you do not fall into either category then there is simply no need to apply for a NINO.
Do hope this helps.