I have just received a message from someone I have sold an item to saying that although it arrived in a lovely condition it doesn't work and must be because I didn't package it very well, they are assuming it was dropped during delivery and is now broken because of this. They said they expect a refund on return. Fair enough, When I give them a refund do I include the postage for them returning it? Or is that at their own cost? I think I packaged it fine and if it had been dropped then I'm pretty sure there would be visual damage like cracks. I feel a bit miffed as it worked before I sent it and I think I packaged it fine so can't understand why it doesn't work. Obviously if I don't do what she wants she will leave me negative feedback which I think I am going to get anyway as she appear's to be very abrupt from the couple of messages I've had from her. But what is the right procedure please anyone? T.I.A :o)
Hi there, from my experience I think you'll find in the small print on ebay (there's certainly plenty of it) that you do not have to refund postage costs, but it's always best to put this in your item details for each lising. You also have to way-up if you want to risk negative feedback.
Probably best to run it past the buyer first in a friendly email (some people get very shirty very quickly and think everyones out to rip them off) and mutually agree on the process before taking any action. If an item has physical signs of damage I ask the buyer to email a photo as confirmation.
If you think your being taken for a ride and the item is fairly valuable then ask them to return it recorded delivery then check it out before making any refund - this may also call their bluff if they're trying it on.
Always send emails at every step to keep them well informed and stop a situation escalating.
Hope this helps and good luck.
This is a childs toy that plays music and I swear it did work before I sent it. She said they arrived in "Lovely" condition, then goes on to say it must have been damaged in the post as I didn't package it properly! I think I did and plus if it has been dropped that hard to stop the inside working then there would be damage on the outside most certainly but she doesn't mention that there is.
I will follow your advice about the agreeing mutually to everything before I do anything further. It's just if she think's I should refund the postage it cost to send her the toy in the first place as I don't think I should but don't want neg feedback.
If it was me I would at the very least expect to have the return postage paid, I just hope she agrees to that.
Thing is also, she says she is going to wait until her partner gets in and has a look at it, how do I know that he doesn't tinker with it and damage it! When it could be something obvious like she has put dead batteries in it by mistake!
I know I sound pathetic but the thought of possibly receiving negative feedback really miffs me! How sad am I? I pride myself on my 100% and I know this has only happened because I was telling my sister the other day about how I had 100% feedback! Should have kept my mouth shut!!! ;o)
Thanx Stevie :o)
Yeah she definatly won't be getting anything out of me until I have it here with me and can check it out myself. I just think going by the messages I have already received from her that she is going to ask for it all back and still leave neg feedback! ... I know, I know me and my feedback! ;o) lol
Although there's no obligation, if the goods I sell turn out to be faulty, I always refund the buyer's postage. Why should they end up out of pocket? If you bought something from Comet, online, and it was delivered broken, surely you'd expect all your money back?
If you do, and get a neg, you've got an excellent comeback comment!
you should refund postage as she has purchased something from you expecting it to work and it doesn't - that is not her fault so why should she be out of pocket?
some ebayers deliberately sell brilliant sounding items for a pound and charge �20 P&P - and the item is a dud! people won;t bother to return because all they will get back is the pound - its a dodgy scam and it clear the item will not be right.
the postage situation is a real racket and your position on it should be stated in the listing, to give people a chance to avoid.
however it isn't your fault either, so you should make a claim with the post office - they have damgaed it they should pay - it would have to be pretty badly dropped to stop it working to you should get proof of the extent of the damage.
howver be aware that some people will order items off the net to replace their own identical item, claim its damaged and send you back their dud, thereby keeping their money and getting a new working item.
so if you can remember any little detail, such as a number on the back or something, of your one that will help identify it as yours
Ahhh excellent point joko thank you!!! I hadn't thought about the fact they could do a swopsie!!! I have a pretty close up pic of it and there is a mark on it where a bit of paint has been come off! Cheers joko :o)
Thanx also siamsal :o) I agree they shouldn't end up out of pocket but I can't see how if it was dropped during delivery it would break without causing cosmetic damage, but do enough to break the inside. I did package it very well.
just see if you can keep the refund process going longer and hopefuly itll go over the 45 day limit after end of auction for giving feedback. and then you are saved!
i myself am always concerned for the welfare of my 100% positive feedback... i don't know what imight do when/if i recieve that dreaded negative!
Refund the monies in full, including all postage costs.
Claim from the Royal Mail or whoever delivered it.
As for feedback, I have left feedback well over 90 days after the end of the auction.
It is a nonsense and a mockery of the system not to leave honest and factual feedback to protect your own. If everybody took this stance it would not be worth anything.
Feedback is always more important to the seller than the buyer - who is going to buy off a seller with poor feedback?
I never leave feedback for a seller until it has been left for me as a prompt payer. Unless the seller emails me a few times asking for it. Then I leave a neutral: 'Here is the feedback you have been asking me for'
I'm too honest for my own good (much to my husbands dismay lol) and shall probably do as you suggest Ethel and try to claim it back through Royal Mail
I haven't heard anything back yet but I was wondering if or when I do and she seeks a refund should I say to her that I have close up pictures so know what mine looks like if she is trying to do a swop? How should I word this without making it look I am trying to accuse her (which I'm not just trying to cover my back) just incase that is what this is. Only reason I am suspicious is because she says they arrived in lovely condition then goes on to say it must have broken when dropped because I packaged it poorly, which I don't think I did. Thank you for any help with how I should word this :o)
Just Take things one step at a time .. & stop worrying about what could or might happen wait untill it is returned to you. As you say earlier it may just be a duff battery. if she has swopped the item you just let them know the serial No does not match the one you sent & that there must have been a mistake ie. they accidently sent you back the wrong item, Or if you have photo proof even better especially if he has been tinkering with it . no refund is granted till you have the origonal back & are fully satisfied that there has been no foul play.
Thanx gasman, I know your right, I worry way too much and am impatient and like things like this to be sorted straight away! Or not to happen in the first place! lol
Cheers for your advice, still waiting to hear anything from her.
You could say you will be happy to refund in full when you have received the item, tested it and checked your marking and are satisfied that it is in fact damaged.
Every seller marks the item before dispatch, don't they? (wink wink)
I bought a DVD from ebay and when I got it, it was all scratched and unwatchable, so i requested a refund.
I also emailed ebay customer services to see what the situation is regarding return postage. They emailed me back to say that I should not return the item to the seller until she sends me the price of postage, as I should not be out of pocket for her sending a faulty item