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The Pope 2

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Catso | 16:32 Sat 16th Sep 2006 | News
9 Answers
Naturally, the front page of today's Times features the story of the Pope's speech. The headline is words to the effect of 'Muslims furious at Pope's speech'. This being the speech that (amongst lots of other stuff) said linked the Muslim faith to violent tendencies.

However, what I find amusing is in the small print we get: 'effigies of Benedict XVI burnt', 'senior officials in Turkey said they could not guarantee his safety', 'fears for his safety after a series of assaults on Catholic priests in Turkey'.

I don't know whether Muslims study latin (it's probably heretic to do so) but I wonder if they've heard of the abbreviation 'QED'.



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ha ha yea...quod erat demonstrandum
Haven't really read into the story, but wasn't he just reciting a quotation from some decades-old religious text to prove a point about the importance of religious tolerance?
at the time of that "old age text" (late 14th century" )were not the Catholic Inquisition and their cohorts all over their religious world, torturing, burning and killing so-called heretics? Doesnt that make them guilty of the same thing?
"Let him who is without sin caste the first stone" What think you all?
The Pope says sorry :�(
...but has his fingers crossed behind his back.
Look, it's as simple as this - Islam is a peaceful religion, and anyone who disagrees should be beheaded.
The Pope was actually giving an academic lecture & not making a speech, apparently he delivered this lecture last Tuesday in Germany.
I would like to know why has the media picked up on this lecture and then deliberately misquoted the content knowing full well the upheaval it will cause in the Muslim world?

If Islam is peaceful then Salman Rushdie wouldnt have had to go in hiding for years. Point proven.
The pope must die - Behead Those Who Insult Islam - Pope go to Hell - etc etc.

All this after just one speech.

And what of Abu Hamza's speeches:

I ask every one of you to kill at least one American within the next fifteen days - The Twin Towers, if it was the "work of Allah", it was "glorious - It is your destiny to become "shaheed" (martyrs) and bring jihad (holy war) to "your own door".

And he was allowed back, week after week.

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The Pope 2

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