VW engine queries in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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VW engine queries

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ShelleyS | 14:16 Sun 25th May 2003 | How it Works
2 Answers
What is the correct reading for oil temperature and pressure guages while running and at what reading should I start to worry on a 1600 air cooled VW engine?

What are the CO levels for twin kadron carbs on a 1600 air cooled VW engine?


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As it happens I used to be a VW mechanic in Germany after the second world war. It is more difficult to detect cooling systems faults in a rear-engined, air-cooled car because the telltale head of steam is not there to provide an indication of problems and no temperature gauges are usually present. The first indications of overheating are a falling off in power and a flickering of the oil pressure warning light when this occurs the car must be stopped immediately. Engine Overheating causes: 1. Slack or Broken Fan Belt 2. Insufficient Engine Oil 3. Incorrect Ignition Timing 4. Thermostat and/or Control Flaps stuck in closed position 5. Oil Cooler Blocked Remedies: 1. Renew if necessary and Re-adjust tension 2. Top up as necessary and Check for leaks 3. Reset Ignition Timing 4. Check operation and free as necessary 5. Remove, test and renew if required Hope this is of some help
As for the CO2 levels, it depends on the fuel type and engine. A VW garage would tell you, but here is an example: 1.6 (102 PS) Beetle Engine - Petrol is Euro Standard IV and has a CO2 level of 185 g/km

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