After a long term relationship I took a couple of years out. Just knocking around with mates and not getting involved. This was done on purpose. Now I've met a girl who I like and it's probably right for me to start again.. It sounds a bit sissy, but I'm worried about my year out affecting my physical performance. How should I approach it? Never had problems before, but I'm 34 years old and she will probably expect everything to be spot on. Any thoughts??
I wouldn't think she'll have any particular expectations so stop worrying. You may have dropped out for a while but you won't have forgotten! Just play it by ear and enjoy the whole relationship.
I wouldn't say it would make much of a difference. My last boyfriend had been single for two years before me. And he didn't have a problem. The only thing is if you worry about it it can have certain effects on your little man...
you will be fine xenon101 as long as you dont worry about how you will perform its just like riding a bike just sit back and enjoy the ride and takes things as they come ; )
Ha Ha. Ta for the "little man" comment. This isn't a concern thankyou! Was more worried about how physically you get used to a long term partner and know how to please each other. Just hadn't made those early moves for a while!! Will let you know how I get on..
Ta for everyones words..