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green user names

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Pam29 | 22:22 Sun 21st Jan 2007 | How it Works
3 Answers
How come some AB user names are green?


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It's to see how many people bother to check if their question has been asked and answered before. You are person number 82 squllion to ask this question, and so win a prize. If however, you had read just one of those other questions (at that point when you click submit, and AB shows you a list of similar questions and says "do you still want to post.."), you'd already know the answer!
Ignore Mr. Grumpy

I asked the same question.

It means they are a new user, and turns black after about a month
Question Author
Actually I did check if there was another question the same and this question didnt come up..some about green tyres, green eggs and green energy...but not green user there, Mr Grumpy.

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green user names

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