has anyone got experience of these. We have 5 year old on a rack mounted trailer bike which is as solid as a rock and brilliant. 3 year old is too big for rear seat now and so we bought a seat post mounted one but it does seem to wobble and it twists around the post leaving the bike at an angle. I have followed all the instructions and think it is all correct. Has any one else come accross this or am I odd? I have to sort it before holidays as we are off biking again.
I think anyone who tows their kids around in one of those bike trailers is completely irresponsible and is asking for a dreadful accident to happen. It may be nice cycling through lovely scenery, but I've never seen children placed in a more vulnerable position. Not trying to offend, but those things really annoy me.
If the traffic is 'horrific' as you say, even more the reason not to use one. I don't know the distances you cover, but adding to the traffic or walking have both got to be better options...
If you mean the sort of half-bike thing which attaches to the post of the main bike's seat, then that's what we have, and I haven't noticed any strange twisting when cornering. Could you have the bracket which fits on the bike post upside-down? Just a suggestion, I'm sure you've thought of that already.
Could you contact the manufacturer in any way for advice?
Thanks xanderma I took it to the bike shop and they confirmed it was ok. He said that what I consider tipping is quite normal but my girls are wimps and make a fuss as they are used to no tip whatsoever. I am looking at a tricicle one or another rack mounted one till their confidence grows. Obviously we would both annoy mcnoodle then pleased I not on my own.
There's nothing nicer than a family bike ride, and with kids of various ages and abilities, how else does mcnoodle expect us to manage?! To be fair though, I thnk s/he might have been talking about the Burley type trailers which children sit in which do put them very low and vulnerable.