I am well aware that a googolplex signifies a hugely large number but is their a term in mathematics to signify an infinitesimally small number........
A googolplexth perhaps? Or the reciprocal of Graham's number? Or the reciprocal of Bird's number? It is arguable that the smallest number in physics (although not in maths) is determined by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which would make it about 10 to the minus 43 (I think).
Thanks Bernardo.....I know of what you speak re Graham, Bird & Heisenberg (sounds like a dodgy law firm) but I'm sure there is an actual term which came into being when Kasner and Pappas talked of Googol and its big brother.....a term for the actual reverse of googol/plex.....thanks anyway.
no essays? what a shame, i cant answer then (other half says you cant ask me the time without first getting a cup of tea and a notebook and pen ready) :-D
Let it ever be known across the land that 'eensy' it shall be from now on and until there is no more.....Thanks banana.....for making me laugh out loud at a computer screen.......