hi does anyone know of anything else i can use to clean my brass on my fireplace,ive ran out of brasso, ive asked a few mates and no one seems to know of any other things,thankyou
Tradey, any good liquid detergent dissolved in hot water is a fairly good substitute for "Brasso". To get into the nooks and crannies use a soft toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.
Honestly vinegar is just brilliant, I sawit on tv and tried it and it worked, and no nasty brasso smell, I do believe that once it is clean and shiny you are supposed to rinse it and dry it off as it's an acid, but I'm sure I didn't.(tom ketchup works as well)
thanks to everyone i tried brown sauce,vinegar fairy liquid but none of them worked infact made it worse,went out and bought some brasso now its looking great,but thanks again