yes just go into 'my computer' and click on the pendrive in there, go into relevant folder and get docs in the same way you would from any type of drive, not sure why you would access a pendrive over the internet anyway??
assuming you have plugged in drive to usb, just go into 'my computer' and click on the pendrive in there, go into relevant folder and get docs in the same way you would from any type of drive, not sure why you would access a pendrive over the internet anyway??
The problem I'm having is that I have bought a wireless laptop which is not yet connected to internet(have to get the data card) and while I can see my docs.fine on my desk PC,seem to be having a bit of a problem with the laptop.
However,I do think I know what the problem might fingers crossed !!!!
Your pendrive is just a storage device - like your internal hardrive. If your docs are already on your pendrive, then you can access them on your laptop as given in the other answers.
But your documents are on your desktop computer. So why should you expect to access them from your pendrive without putting them ther first? Take your pendrive to your desktop and copy the documents on to it. Unplug it from the desktop and plug it into the laptop to access them on the laptop.
If the above sounds arcane or confused, replace all references to 'pendrive' with 'floppy disk' and see if the light dawns.
Having a network connection between the two computers obviates the need for a pendrive.