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Boneless People

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potterfan3 | 22:09 Thu 26th Apr 2007 | How it Works
11 Answers
Is it normal for someone to believe someone else when they say "I have no bones"?


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Unless you're talking to a worm!
Not normal , just spineless!

I'll get my coat
I'd believe that - if told by a lump or puddle of talking flesh.

That is ridiculous.
Obviously there must be some meaning to the phrase " I have no bones" that you haven't given to us.

Either that or you had someone else type the question for you.

Or, are you just blowing smoke up an owl's ass for fun?
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No, my friend's dad told her he had a friend with no bones and she believed him....Seriously! (can you believe she's predicted As and A*s in nearly all her GCSEs?)
No I can't.
uh, makes more sense now... a sadistic father and a gullible daughter with a questionable friend lol

Some suggestion that it meat he was impotent or disabled

You have won 1st prize in the "stupidist question ever" competition.

Well done.

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