Today the removal of a healthy appendix can be classed as medical malpractice.
More evidence is emerging that suggests the appendix actually plays a role in the secondary lymphatic system, the parts in our body responsible for fighting disease and infection. At one time "vestigial" organs such as the tonsils and adenoids were viewed as serving no purpose.
So I suggest the appendix does have an important role to play in the running of the human body!
I'm not sure if this has been medically researched, but most people I know who have had their appendix removed do tend to suffer from stomach problems, like constipation, bloatedness, indegestion etc
I am a surgeon by profession and as far as the literature on this subject is concerned, there are no ill effects suffered by the majority of people who have had appendicectomies. I haven't certainly seen any obvious problems. There is no increased susceptibility to infections whether you have the appendix removed in an infant or an old person.