I've had this camera for a while now and its been brill, only basic but takes lovely photos. However, it has just started saying on the screen when I've taken a photo CANNOT READ PICTURE FILE. Does anyone know what is wrong. Thanks.
If you are using a memory card, it's possible that it has become corrupted. Try to format the card (you do that with the menus on the camera) and see if it works again. If not, try with a different card that works with another camera to see where the problem is coming from, card or camera. Hope that helps.
Mmmmh...It seems to be a software problem, not much you can do to fix it yourself I don't think....Try to take the batteries out and wipe the contacts with a soft cloth, then put them back in and see if that works. Does it do it even when you have no other pics in the camera? If all else fails, I'd suggest you give the tech support a call. Find number there:
They'll try to troubleshoot, and if that doesn't work, will let you know what's available to you whether your camera is still under warranty or not. Good luck!