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doc, a portrait is a picture of a person - thats all - can be alive or dead - in fact 100-odd years ago they used to dress up their dead and take photos, and many paintings of kings and queens etc were done when the person was dead and was propped up.
i did the pic at the time of his death, there was a benefit gig and i was asked to do it.
copies were sold to raise money for his child.
this is the original one though and i never gave it to the family at the time as it seemed a bit strange and never a good time.
they saw the picture and loved it and i promised to send it to them... i just didn't get round to it until now - i saw the dad the other day and he reminded me, so i thought i'd better send it.
he knows it is coming this week.
i don't wan't anything too "heartfelt" and gushing if you take my meaning, but not too flippant either