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unlocking my nokia 6111

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missrandom | 22:05 Fri 13th Jul 2007 | How it Works
8 Answers
is this as easy as they make out, there are sites that say its only �2.99. has anyone done this or are they rip offs? thanks


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my boyfriend paid for this on a site once, for him it didnt work, however i think they say its not 100% guaranteed to work, so he may have just been unlucky though!
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oh well i suppose its only a couple of quid isnt it? i might give it a try. thanks
I did this recently.It is a con it just directs you to other web sites who charge about �12plus.Best go to your local market there is normallya mobile phone stall who unlocks phones for atenner.
go to and register. type in the details (network, imei etc) and its free and it works!!!!
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oh wow fab, thanks i'll give that a go, cheers!!
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woohoo just did it and it worked, thank u!!!!!!
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unlocking my nokia 6111

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