This is for Charley Farley, What model of Vax have you got ,I fancy getting another Vax for my carpets and would appreciate some first hand info on the one that performs well, Thanking You in advance.
It depends what sort of success you are looking for. A Vax won't make your carpet new or take away wear and tear. It also won't get rid of stains like dried in ink. I have the standard Vax and use warm water with solution once a year going over the carpet twice. The water comes out black the first time and grey the second. I found it does work better with warm water. For better results in difficult spots, turn the vacuum but off but leave the brush on. Use the spray to wet the carpet and go over it a few times with just the rotating brush. Turn the vacuum back on and then suck up the water.
Carpet washers are good for getting rid of dirt but not so good at stains.