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Laptop to TV

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ozzyb | 15:30 Wed 19th Sep 2007 | How it Works
2 Answers
Hi, i am trying to connect my Acer laptop to my Samsung plasma tv using S-video (7 pin) from laptop to 3 RCA on the TV. I was told it should be as easy as plug-in-and-play, but im getting nothing. Is there something else i need to do? When its plugged in on the AV channel, it just comes up No Signal. Im so Confused!
Many thanks in advance!



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The problem is you are connecting S-video out from the laptop into RGB on the tv. Try connecting into the S-video in on the tv instead
The trouble is RCA phono connectors on tvs can either be yellow (composite video) red and white (audio left and right) OR yellow, red and white carrying RGB video. Either way taking S-video out from the laptop isn't going to work that way. .
Not sure about your Acer, but on my Dell you have to specifically switch on the s-video output. I do it with the Fn key and F9 (I think, can't remember exactly). Or, right click on the desktop and go into display properties and see if there are any settings in there.

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