Is there any way i can stop receiving spam e mails i am a fairly new computer user so i am not sure what i need to do .I have done an unsubscribe email but i then get 20 more for the same product from different companys.and being a woman i don't need all these male products.Thanks for any help,
All this does is to verify your email is "live", making it MORE valuable to people who sell these things, making it MORE likely you will get more spam.
Much of this spam comes after you have typed your e-mail address into web sites or on forums or discussion groups.
Companies search the web for e-mail addresses.
So to get round this have TWO e-mail addreses.
For one of them only give it to your friends and family. NEVER use it to browse the internet or register on web sites etc.
This should stay fairly free of spam.
Use the second e-mail address to do all the web based things. This MAY get lots of spam, but becasue none of your friends or family have it you can probably delete most of the mail without even looking at it.
Ignore any spam emails. If you reply, they know that you are still active and they will send more. Do not open them, just bin them all and don't answer them.
If you use Outlook Express you can delete further e-mails at your servers in-box before they are even sent out to your computer. To do this highlight the e-mail, from the heading above Message, Create rule for message and then don't forget to scroll down for all the options.