I read the article yesterday and from what I remember both the firemen and their families were told not bring this matter into the public domain under the threat of further disiplinary action, and that these men have been suspended for several months.
The area is not only known for homosexual behaviour but also for doggers.
Some 12 months ago my area was subject to this type of behaviour, it isn't only at night, it's a 24 hour a day problem.
It came to light when I had a phone call asking for advice from a neighbour who had just seen 2 men at 9am having sex in full view of the road, then another neighbour mentioned going for a family walk, her husband had gone ahead with the dog and came running back after being confronted by 4 half-naked men [not topless].
We got the local council wardens [was their land] and the police involved and the problem disappeared.
It appears that the council and police would have known about the area the firemen went to and have done nothing but some members of the public would have been afraid to go there, we don't know if anybody had been threatened in the area they could have been.
If these men had gone in a car nothing would have been said or done, I understood they were on the way back from a shout and deviated off the route a bit.
Certain jobs like the emergency sevices and medical profession cope with the incidents they attend by having a different osense of humour, otherwise most would have to leave with stress etc.
I'd rather these men waste a couple of pounds driving to a wrong place and having a laugh than having to leave the service and more money be wasted having to train raw recruits.