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Name this film please?

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aurelia | 21:38 Fri 12th Oct 2007 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
I am trying to remeber the name of a horror film form the 80's - I think it's something like Don't Look in the title but not sure.

A brother and sister play prankson their sister and tie her shoelaces together and their car crashes and bursts into flames and the girl dies and comes back to haunt them. The scene I remember most is the sister sees her dead sister and she hides under her bed and the dead sister follows her there and talks to her until at the end of the film the remaining sister is in a padded cell. I know very happy film but I have always remembered it


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thanx - looked through my profile for my questions but couldn't find this one listed - thanx
it is called Don't go to sleep, I have the DVD
hope this helps
This thread is in danger of turning into "The Usual Suspects", so to speak... estion201228.html
Question Author
how did you get hold of a DVD chessington - I have looked several times for one.

How does Kempie seem to know everybody else's past questions and answers
I got it on ebay last year they probably still do it
good luck

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Name this film please?

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