It�s a mystery. And there are so many unanswered questions�..
Has it just appeared or have you just noticed it?
Have you asked your daughter if she has been playing with sunlight and a magnifying-glass?
Does the photo have a glass covering in the frame?
Does your daughter show signs of being a prophet or a sage or �possess� any demonic tendencies?
It is strange that you use the word strange in your post, since strange is an anagram of garnets, a mineral more often seen in red solid form. Did you know that red is synonymous with the Dark Lord? Its true, garnet comes from the Latin granatus, which also led to Satans association with pomegranates.
Do you believe in coincidences? Was that just there, just now a coincidence? Or has fate led you to worship Gromit as a follower of your chosen one? Do flies poo in the dark?
Does the very date it appeared hold any significance to apocalyptical predictions or cataclysmic events (Biblical or otherwise) on a global scale?
Have you ever read �The Seven Seeds of a Severed Satanists Sphincter� by D. Evil?
Have you ever undergone any psychiatric, seismic, phonographic, apologetic, genealogical, geographical, ectoblastic, photo-sensitive, neuro-transitional assessments by a member of a recognised institution such as the RIBA?
Have you seen the Matrix? Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys.