radiators in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Ninereeds | 22:08 Tue 13th Jul 2004 | How it Works
3 Answers
shouldnt radiators be called convectors seeing as they actually work on convection and they dont radiate heat out from them? and also, how does an oven work? because it cant be convection because the grill is at the top and that would mean the food gets cooked in cold air?
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radiators do convect heat, but as ayone will tell you who has stood close to one, they also radiate...I didn't know they had radiators in the counterweight continent
Yes, radiators should be called 'convectors' - proportionally, very little energy is radiated. An oven cooks by conduction - food is heated from the outside in, hence "cooked through".
Grills cook by a combination of conduction and radiation. The (proportionally) greater amount of energy radiated out by a grill, compared with, say, an oven, means that items will 'char' quickly. So that bread toasts, cheese melts and browns, and sausages turn black when I forget about them.
The 'glow' from a grill, whether gas or electric, is an indication that energy is being radiated.

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