It looks like Ethel may have solved your problem but I'll just point out that it's highly unlikely that you'll find any commercial service transferring shop-bought videos to DVD. It's illegal to make an unauthorised copy of any copyright material, even if it's for you own use. Of course thousands of people copy videos for themselves and for others, without the copyright owners knowing or caring about it, but any shop or online business which advertised such a service would soon find themselves in trouble. (A shop in Ipswich used to advertise that they'd transfer customers' vinyl records to CD. The Federation Against Copyright Theft soon put a stop to that).
Ethel is one of AB's most distinguished and respected contributors, so I'm sure that his/her offer is absolutely genuine and you can have every confidence that he/she will do a good job. (The gender confusion is because I've seen it suggested that Ethel is actually a fella'. So I'm not too sure whether I should use male or female pronouns!).