I am still having such problems with my TV set up and am clueless how to put it right. I have a TV, DVD recorder, VHS and Sky. They are set up with loads of scarts. At the moment, the problem is, if I want to play a video or DVD I have to turn the Sky off. But when I do that, I have DVD and video SOUND but no picture. I have checked all the connections and still no picture. Any idea what is causing this? The picture comes back on when I switch it all off at the wall, and turn OFF the DVD and video power, and just have the Sky and TV on. It's driving me mad cos I have no way of fixing it unless I call out Sky or Currys and they charge god knows what!
TV scart into DVD
TV scart into SKY
TV arial into DVD
DVD scart into SKY
VCR seems to have no connections into anything!
It HAS worked fine before, but now it seems that every time I use the DVD or video I then lose the picture on the TV or it's only black and white, and now I have no picture at all.
This set up was done by the man from Sky, by the way.
If it goes black and white and then you lose the picture completely then you have a dodgy scart lead, my tv did this a couple of weeks ago so I bought a new lead and all is now back to normal....