Mr Veritas, Incapacity Benefit is NOT means tested, so it matters not a jot how much your partner is earning.
You can get Incapacity Benefit even if you are also in receipt of a private pension (if you are under state retirement age) although it can affect the amount you actually get.
I don't understand why your IB was affected by your partner's income - it should not have been. ancialSupport/DG_10016082
"What is it?
Incapacity Benefit is a benefit that you can claim for if you are suffering from short or long-term ill health. It is not means tested, but in most cases it will depend on your record of National Insurance contributions."
The DWP do like to know the ins and outs of everything about the claimant, and the immediate family, but partner's income definitely does not affect a person's claim for IB.