Good morning all, and let's hope it's a good one for me too. I'm trying another approach and getting an early start as well, so that if the wheels fall off first time round, then I've got Plan B to go to � !!!!!!
Have all the Happy Campers returned to their usual haunts or is the revelry still continuing unabated Chez Pauline ??? I'm amazed you all survived the weekend somehow !!!
If you have yet to try KM Links � it works like this. An early rising soul will post the link words from this morning's Telegraph and it's up to us to try to match them correctly. You have all weekend to place an entry and then come Monday morning, when the matches are known, they too will be posted and scoring will then commence.
The method of scoring was beautifully set out by gen2 a couple of weeks back and seekeerz will try very hard not to forget that while adding up the points [and if she does, no doubt someone will tell her, very nicely, that she has !!]
And I expect to see your entry evsajo !! You managed very well while staying with Pauline, there's no reason why you can't do it from home, so no wriggling out !!
Right, that's about it for now, I shall go and see if the gremlins are loose today � keeping fingers crossed that they are not
Good Luck to all, I shall see you a little time down the track
Morning Steff, bit wet here at the moment, I am going to work later so will have to get both links in as early as possible
missed last week I went to Wales, no wi fi connection.
Yes all are returned to their proper homes and all survived Paulines large wine glasses!
What a morning!!...Daughter due to land at Manchester Airport at there AFTER checking flight arrivals, which showed it to be on time!!! find flight delayed by 3 hours!! Had to go back...just got in bog-eyed ....