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Standard operating procedure for dosset boxes

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evedawn | 14:29 Tue 12th Aug 2008 | How it Works
3 Answers
Does anyone know where i can find the standard operating procedure for the dispensing of dosset boxes?
(The boxes with tiny compartments for tabs detailing days of the week etc)

I have looked on the NHS sites as well as the Royal pharamceutical sites?

This may be the incorrect section to post it under so I am also going to post under law and jobs and education?



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Microsoft Vista seems to be the current Standard Operating System. When browsing, it allows different pages to be opened in different tabs. Try looking on the Microsoft webpage for more info.
Try going into your local Boots stores or another chemists wo will explain their procedures
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thanks you to both. the reason i asked the Q is cos I work for a dispensing GP and have been asked to get involved with the dispensing of dossets.

In my mind I am concerned as I feel that TWO people should be present at the time of dispensing and sorting one to actually dispense and one to double check that the correct tabs go into the box.

the way it is currently being done is ONE person dispenses (whilst seeing to patients at the desk, and phones, and chaperoning for GP etc) and the thereafter makes a writtten note of the description of tabs (colour size etc) the 2nd check by 2nd individual is often only done the following day....i feel that this is open to error.

when i said that i would be very reluctant to assist under these (above) conditions I was told that legally the way it is done is fine. (well it may well be legal it safe?!)

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Standard operating procedure for dosset boxes

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