memory stick in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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memory stick

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frodsham | 12:05 Wed 03rd Sep 2008 | How it Works
6 Answers
can anyone please help with the following query.
I dont have a home computer and usually use my local library to e-mail and search the web etc. In the past I have used a floppy disc to store work on. A while ago because of a virus I lost all my work. it wasn't to important but obviously I wasn't very happy. I now want to use a memory stick as my library is slowly phasing out floppy discs. Is a memory stick easy to use, can I download music,and store items etc. Any step by step help would be much appreciated.
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Memory cards are as easy to use as a floppy disc. Just plug them into a USB socket and they act just like another disc on the computer where files may be saved to.
They are also cheap. My suggestion is to actually buy a card reader and a memory card to fit it. That way you can use it just like a memory stick but keep anything important on separate memory cards.
When using a memory stick or card reader via a PC USB socket, remember when you want to remove it, to click on the �safely remove hardware� which will be located at the left hand end of the task bar (close to the clock) � you will then receive the message �safe to remove hardware�.

By not doing this, you run the risk of corrupting the USB memory stick and/or causing the PC to crash.
My memory stick has open/shut lock. Date can be read from the shut state but to update the switch has to be opened......extra protection from losing orignal data.
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Thanks to everyone for your help.
you will also get far more on a card / stick, a floppy is only 1.44 meg, a 4 gig stick will give you the equivelant of 2,844 floppy discs!!,
i think i got the maths correct, im sure someone will put us right if not.........

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