Have you ever thrown something away that you didnt mean to? I am so angry with myself. I went through all my old VHS tapes the other week and got to a pile of recordable ones that I'd put films off tv on etc and I thought I'm not going to sit through them all and check them if I dont know whats on them then it wont hurt me. Anyway Saturday night I met an old school mate and I said to her that I had a video of an old school gym and dance display and I would have to put it on DVD for her. Doh!! Yep you guessed it I chucked it in my wheelie bin last week, the only film I have of me and all my school mates :-(
yep the only ones I kept was a video of me and my mates karaoking and one of me on tv, I remember actually seeing it when I chucked it as was shorter tape than rest but I just thought it was a freebie thing.