About eighteen months ago I spotted four anauthorised payments totalling around �160 pounds, each for mobile phone top-ups; not mine of course.
As my local police station is not far, I went in to report 'a crime' and get a crime number from them. They refused to log it as they said it was impossible to investigate my bank details with the bank and told me to phone the bank directly. They said the bank is far more equipped to deal with such an event.
Somewhat disconcerted by this I immediately telephoned my bank and they sent me through the post a sheaf of papers asking me to list all the unauthorised payments, they also stopped my bank debit card and issued me with a new one. I sent this very comprehensive report back to them and two weeks later the money was fully refunded.
They told me that if they find that the amounts are 'very large' and they can electronically trace the culprit, it is they who inform the police, otherwise it is the bank that absorbs the loss.
So, I can see now why the police were unable to help me initially. No problems since, fingers crossed.