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Sky TV Box

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chrissa1 | 19:33 Mon 02nd Mar 2009 | How it Works
2 Answers
Can I move our Sky Box up to a bedroom that has an aerial socket in it.
Can I connect it to the TV in the bedroom using a Scart Lead?



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Assuming that the aerial socket you refer to is fed by standard (terrestrial) TV aerial, rather than by a satellite dish, then connecting a Sky box won't work.

The terrestrial TV signals which come through the aerial socket are on completely different frequencies to those required by the Sky box.

You need either a Freeview box (around �15 for a cheap one) so that you can receive terrestrial TV or to invest in Sky Multi-room in order to view satellite TV.

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Bother, Chris. I sort of guessed as much.

I wouldn't care but my daughter has left a Freeview Box here, (she's abroad), but she lost the Remote during her last house move.

Thank you anyway.

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