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Thanks for your views always helpful to get a natural viewpoint,.When you are sent a NIP or in general most fines are via 1st class post, if you dont respond they treat it as if you received the communiation and progress - Can I not argue (in court) that I made a resonable attempt to nofty them of the change and I have a witness to this?
Of course they will bang on about the letter they send (also via 1st class mail no doubt) in my defence I followed up by checking with the new keeper if they had received a V5, if I had not done this the car would still be in my name.
I really dont see why anyone would want to keep a car they dont own in their name, its obvious that when these situations occur its because Royal Mail have lost the document or indeed DVLA have lost it . Regarding redundancy having spent most my working life between the ages of 18-22 I am deemed to only deserve .5 weeks pay for every year completed... I dont really have �35 to give to these unreasonable monkeys.