Digital Cameras in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Digital Cameras

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Failey | 14:12 Tue 23rd Nov 2004 | Technology
3 Answers

I am looking to buy a digital camera.

The Sony DSC-P73 Cyber-shot looks really good and has good reviews.

All I am woorried about is the size of the LCD screen 1.5''. Is this Ok for viewing back pictures or should I get a camera with a bigger screen.

Is there any other cameras I should look at before I purchase, �150 for the Sony is quite good.

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I bought my husband the Fuji finepix S5500. It looks like an SLR but it's digital. It handles great and is so easy to use. Check it out at fotoSense.co.uk. They do bundle offers and only take about 2 days to deliver.

Whatever you buy, have a look at 7dayshop.com

I bought a Cannon EOS from them and they were significantly cheaper and it arrived within a week.


Hi there

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and read some independant reviews of what is available.

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