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what am i pressing?

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windycity8 | 18:54 Sun 16th May 2010 | How it Works
4 Answers
when i am on our apple macbook pro, i seem to be sometimes touching something that makes the writing on the screen either much smaller or very big font? what am i pressing and how do i get back to normal size from small please?


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There are two ways to do that.
1. CMD and + or -
or the way I think you are doing it is by using a gesture on the touch pad. If you put 2 fingers on the pad and move them apart, the window contents will zoom in (larger), if you move those fingers back together thwe window contents will zoom out (smaller)
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thanks thats a great help, ive been moving my fingers in and out, now i know what im doing!

I only checked your post as I was intruiged by the title. Soooo not what I was expecting

Me neither Boo haha :) Great minds think alike an all that ;)

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what am i pressing?

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