Every so often we hear that scientists have transmitted radio messages out into deep space in the hope of being able to communicate with alien life. If there is life out there it will likely be at a different stage of development or evolution than homo sapiens and in any event would probably think of us as a food source. Would our efforts not be better spent by trying to have intelligent communication with fellow earth bound creatures such as reptiles or fish? This might pave the way to explore common ground with alien cultures operating in the Middle-East.
They might be just as intelligent as us. But have you thought about their senses being completely different to ours. If they have no ear they won't hear, but they may have other senses we don't have like how sharks can sense electrical pulses, meaning communication may be impossible. . . But any life out there could be at any stage of development.
At least we can communicate with middle-eastern people, even if it isn't successful, lets hope we don't send a message into space that starts a inter-planetary war.
Would it be possible, like sharks detect electrical pulses, for other forms of life to be able to directly pick up radio signals? We can only directly detect coloured light (without technology) from the electromagnetic spectrum, would it be possible for them to only be able to pick up radio waves for example?
If they picked up chris evans after wogan left they'd turn round and head back the way they came...
But seriously unless they needed resources why would they want to get in touch
I would be really happy if we improved our communication skills with other earth bound llfe forms start with something simple like hamsterss eventually we might understand men