Yahoo email? in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Yahoo email?

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cassa333 | 14:45 Wed 20th Oct 2010 | How it Works
8 Answers
I can't get into my yahoo email account. It keeps coming up with 999 error. Does any one know whaqt is happening?

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Sorry no mine's working ok
It just means you have been accessing Yahoo a great deal you should try again later. This is stop DDOS attacks.
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Thanks Squarebear.

Although I have only been on for about 20 minutes this morning and have only just tried to get back on!!!
I put "Yahoo error 999" into google and that's what came up. See if it's still the same tomorrow.
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It's a bit of a bogger at the moment.

When it tries to go to the page it keeps flashing. In the strip at the bottome it keeps repeating as if there is lots of info updating and the page keeps flashing up then going. Eventualy an error page comes up?
Try using a different browser to access it.
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Tried that. I even closed down and started again.

I think I shall give up till tomorrow and see if it is better then.
Same happened to Mr. Cupid earlier. He did an AVG complete scan then rebooted.
Did the trick. He had blamed it on an iffy email, but what does he know!

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Yahoo email?

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