if you work for the nhs, you may well be aware that the government (as they like to describe themselves) have already stated that they wanted to impose a pay freeze on our already rubbish wages. first it was one year; then two...but you will never guess what else they want to take from us - please watch the attached link and send to as many work buddies in the biz.
in real terms, this will mean massive pay cuts as inflation and everything else goes up...in my department we are already two nurses short and they are not going to be replaced...i am doing on average about 4-5 hours unpiad overtime each week to keep up with paperwork and stuff i don't have time to do when i run the ward...and i'm getting a little cheesed off now. not to mention the overtime i have to do in order to actually pay my bills.
also, have a look at the new pay scales...they are also a bit of a joke for newly trained nurses and for those who are being employed at band 2 - for hcsw's, porters, security etc. it is a pittance for the job they actually do:
nurses are already the lowest paid of teachers, police, social workers etc. and now we have to put up with NO money for two years? tell people, e-mail youe union and have a joly good moan. rant over...sorry x