I have a "big" birthday very soon. I happen to know that arrangements are afoot for a "surprise" party. Trouble is, I really don't want any fuss or any money spent or people to go to a lot of trouble but on the other hand, I don't want to offend the people I love by repeating my assertions that no-one is to do anything.
I actually find the idea a bit embarassing and am quite uncomfortable with it.
So would you a) just shut up, put up and "act surprised" (and gracious) on the day or
b) say that you know and you would rather it didn't happen and sound churlish to boot?!
go through with it, i'm sure you will enjoy it on the day and besides, it's one day of surprise party or a very long time possibly feeling guilty for turning it down when they've made plans.
I would arrange a weekend away for myself and the man hostage which would include the day of the party and casually tell whoever was arranging it what I've done for my birthday present to me.... I mean, it's a 'suprise' so how on earth could I have known I'd ruin their plans... I'd probably then talk extensively about how much I hate suprise parties.
I'd hate the idea too but I'd just go with it, it's onlt the first half an hour that's going to be hard work then you gan get hammered with everyone else paying and then bundle home your prezzies, some of which you'll think are great and you'll know everyone's had a great night thanks to you!
lol Naz - the boot is already stocked with booze. The FH and his mate borrowed my car the other night and opened the boot to find a box of wine in there. (I bought some cases of wine at christmas for presents and one for us, but as it's decent stuff I have kept it in the car so it doesn't just get quaffed).
a)....it would be my idea of HELL, but you are doing it for others.
The Jews have a word for it....mensch.......I hope I have this right......it means to do something that you don´t want to do, but for others (not to lose face)