Quizzes & Puzzles22 mins ago
What do the initials IQ stand for
A.��They stand for Intelligence Quotient, a phrase first coined by the German psychologist William Stern.
Q.� When did IQ tests start
A.� The French psychologist Alfred Binet invented intelligence testing at the beginning of the�20th century in an effort to identify schoolchildren with special needs.
Binet's basic approach, which measured the subject's mental age by comparing what they did in comparison with other others of a similar age, was adopted in America and adapted into the IQ test.
Q.� What do IQ tests measure
A.� They measure the cognitive ability of a person in comparison with that of the general population. The test produces a statistically derived number, with 100 as the median score.
Q.� Can all our cognitive abilities be measured
A.� No, a human has hundreds of specific mental abilities� - only some of which can be measured accurately. Though an IQ test measures only a few of a human's mental abilities, these few abilities are targeted for measurement, because they are well known to positively correlate highly�with many other human abilities. How high you score in one of these measured abilities, it is believed, will strongly indicate how high you would be expected to score on the unmeasured abilities.
Q.� How is cognitive ability measured
A.� By measuring a person's ability to understand concepts and solve problems. The test may include measuring a person's memory, maths, language or spatial ability.
Q.� What score is a mark of intelligence
A.� According to the test, most people score between 90 and 110, hence the median score of 100. A score of above 130 is supposed to indicate exceptional intelligence.
Q.� If I learn the contents of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, will I score a higher IQ
A.� Not necessarily. The test is supposed to measure the ability, not quantity of your intelligence. There may be some connection between exercising your brain and the development of cognitive skills, however scientists don't fully understand the connection.
Q.� Is there anyway I can improve my IQ score
A.� Although the nature versus nurture argument still rages on and is in many ways a web of factors, in general intelligence does seem to be determined more by your genes rather than your environment.
But don't panic, the�test is very limited in its scope and many experts dismiss it altogether. It can't measure creativity, social skills or acquired skills.
Do you want to know how something is measured Click here to ask.
by Lisa Cardy