ChatterBank7 mins ago
Why do some people jump or jerk before they fall asleep
A. This is a very common sleep phenomenon. As youre peacefully drifting off to sleep you suddenly find yourself violently jumping, pulling you temporarily back into a more conscious state. The technical term for this is a hypnic jerk.
Q. What causes the hypnic jerk
A. Well although humans spend around a third of their lives sleeping, many aspects of our resting behaviour are still shrouded in mystery and are hotly debated by the experts. There are a few theories as to what causes the hypnic jerk.
Q. And one theory is
A. That the hypnic jerk is a natural step as your body moves from being alert to being asleep. Drifting off to sleep involves some physiological changes: a change in breathing rate, temperature and muscle tone. This theory suggests that the hypnic jerk is just a by-product of the change in muscles tone.
Q. Any others
A. Yes, another one has an evolutionary explanation. In this theory the brain interprets your relaxing muscles as a sign that you're falling down and tells your arms and legs to grab at something quick to keep you upright. In this case the hypnic jerk is a survival mechanism from the days when we were reptiles, didn't have the luxury of a bed and life was generally a lot more dangerous.
This theory may also account for the falling like dreams that some people report they have before a hypnic jerk pulls them into a more conscious state. Although of course, since dreams only really occur during a later sleep phase, known as REM, (rapid eye-movement), these falling dreams are more similar to hallucinations.
Q. Should I be worried about having hypnic jerks
A. No, they're perfectly harmless, although annoying, especially if you happen to thump someone sleeping with you.
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by Lisa Cardy