Society & Culture4 mins ago
Why do we hiccup
A.� The reason behind this unusual, sometimes embarrassing, often irritating condition isnt fully understood. Explanations proffered by the medical establishment range from an ancient remnant of the irregular breathing patterns that our reptilian ancestors may have had to a leftover reflex from the womb when it may have been a way to exercise the diaphragm muscle.
Air, or rather too much of it, in our stomachs is a more likely explanation. Some biologists suggest the hiccup is the body's attempt to expel excess air that we swallow when chewing from our stomachs.
Q.� What are hiccups
A.� Hiccups are convulsive, involuntary contractions of the diaphragm (the wall of muscle inside the ribcage that controls breathing) that occur along with contractions of the larynx and closure of the vocal chords, trapping incoming air. Together, these make the distinctive shaking body spasm and characteristic sound of a hiccup.
Q.� What causes hiccups
A.� Hiccups are normally brought on by minor stomach upsets, often after eating or drinking too much or too quickly. The stomach, becomes swollen and irritates the diaphragm, causing it to contract, pulling air into the lungs very quickly.
The air passes through the voice box, vibrating the vocal chords and producing the 'hic'.
Q.� Are hiccups a sign of illness
A.� Normally mild cases of hiccups don't need medical attention. However persistent hiccups may be the result of problems with the brain, spinal cord, the diaphragm or chest wall. If you have any concerns you should visit your GP.
Q.� Whats the best way to get rid of hiccups
A.� Everyone has their own tried and tested way of getting rid of hiccups, the most common one is holding the breath.
The best method though is to breathe into a paper bag: this increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the lungs, relaxing the diaphragm and halting the spasms.
Drinking lots of water while holding your nose also seems to work, possibly because it starves the convulsing muscles of oxygen while watering down the contents of your stomach, allowing the air to escape.
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by Lisa Cardy