Unwanted Mobile Phone Calls in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Unwanted Mobile Phone Calls

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Maydup | 13:29 Mon 11th Mar 2013 | How it Works
12 Answers
Despite registering my mobile phone number with the Telephone Preference Service, I still receive unwanted phone calls to the mobile asking me for my car insurance number or my claim reference number.

The unsolicited texts about ppi claims and accident claims seem to have stopped but not these calls from 0247 numbers - any suggestions?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Have you had a look to ensure that you are still registered. This happened to us and one of the Companies told me it was quite common to 'fall off the system' and when I checked on line I found I had to re-register.
It doesn't stop calls from India, etc. only UK apparently :-(
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I registered and reregistered last month. My phone has rung 4 times at work this morning all the same 0247 number and I've had to switch it off/silent now. Why should I have to switch it off when I need it on?! grrrr
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When I get these calls I ask them to hang on while I go and get the person they ask for (even if it is you..) and just leave them hanging on. After a few minutes I say "Hello are you still there?" If they are, I say "Oh, I can see him/her coming now". And leave them hanging on again .. eventually they take the hint and hang up. I love it but its a nuisance if you need to use your phone. Otherwise just keep them hanging on .. and on .. and on ...
Would it work if you told them your lawyer had settled your claim and if they would like to give you their details, your lawyer would happily get in touch with them?
Smurfs is good though.
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I've checked my cheap pay as you go phone and it doesn't seem to allow me to block calls from certain numbers, but I have switched it on again and will not hang up next time!

I will just keep them waiting on until I lose the will, although I am at work I can't really have futile conversations with nuisences, I can at least leave them hanging on a dead line.
Have you actually reported the calls to TPS? Rules only work if breaches of them are reported to the relevant authorities. (For example, the law against burglary would be totally ineffective if nobody ever told the police that they'd been burgled). If, after registering with TPS, you continue to get unsolicited calls from the UK, it's essential that you report them here:
Ha ha, I almost look forward to them now. Especially if Jeremy Kyle is on, I turn it up full volume.
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You're right Chris, I must report these calls. I can't moan and hope they go away without reporting them. Thanks for the link, I'll do it tonight.
lots of these calls are rung on an automatic random system thats why there's a lag when you pick up the phone till someone starts to babble on

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