Changing Details. in The AnswerBank: Law
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Changing Details.

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catsrcool | 14:27 Wed 02nd Mar 2016 | Law
9 Answers
My wife and I got married on November 26th 2015. She left for a planned trip to her country of origin on December 5th 2016. When we booked her flight we used her UK passport details in her previous husbands (deceased) name.
After she returns on Saturday we need to start sorting out all her registered details with different agencies. Please tell me if I have left anything out.
New passport - what happens to any remaining validity on her current passport?
Tell the council that I am no longer entitled to a single persons discount.
Get the electoral register updated.
Regarding her car - tell the DVLA that she has changed name and address, get the car registered at the new address and tell the insurance company. How does she stand driving the vehicle immediately on her return after 3 months?
The only other things I can think of is telling HMRC and her bank and credit card provider.

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Thanks do we have to change the passport while it is still valid or do we lose any validity automatically?
I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that maybe someone else does or you can make a phone call to ask?
well congrats on getting married !
I hope you went somewhere nice

remeber that this is a matter of choice and not law

you have done the law bit by filling out the right forms and swearing/affirming oaths in front of the correct official ( registrar )

Bank details dont HAVE to be changed but take in the MC and passports if you do - and you also have to work out what you are gonna do it she gets cheques in her old name ( sign a doc saying bank them anyway - it was like getting blood out of a stone )

Oh make sure national insurance know both names
clearly they will have done this before
and DWP - there is now a tell us once procedure which works quite well

The big thing is as far as I can see is when asked Mrs X she DOESN'T say no: Mrs Y - mrs X is over there .... now that WOULD be troublesome

Oh I must tell you - seventy years ago my grandfather remarried and my mothers stepmother took therefore my mothers maiden name
whenever they met cat fur would fly ....
Peter is far better versed in legal matters, so I'm sure his answer will have been more help than my link - good luck and yes, Congrats too.
Her mother ?
Your mother ?
If either of you had a will, you'll have to make a new one. You should both have wills, anyway.
How about telling friends and family ;-)
shouldn't you have informed the council 3 months ago?
Only wife can change own documents. You should inform council of extra occupancy in your property. Unused time on her old passport will be credited to the new one.

Where is her country of origin - some countries can be pedantic about incorrect passports.

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