Blooming House Insurance! in The AnswerBank: Insurance
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Blooming House Insurance!

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Smowball | 11:37 Tue 17th Jan 2017 | Insurance
18 Answers
I've just rang my insurers to ask what my excess is as I couldn't find the details in my documents. The guy asked why and I said oh I've spilt gloss paint on carpet and I've had it professionally cleaned but you can still see it, but now that you've told me how high my excess is it isn't worth it - I'll just replace it myself. To which he then said I have to inform you that this information has To now go on your records and could affect your renewal price. I said but I'm not claiming and it was YOU that asked ME the information. Doesn't matter he said. Could my renewal go up I ask? Possibly he says. Am I going mad? I'm NOT claiming!
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It seems bonkers but it's true
they may now consider you a clumsy high risk old bat !! lol xx
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That's just mental!
It's the same with car insurance.

Who are you insured with? I'd switch if I were you. When you take out new insurance they only ask if you've made any claims...nothing about inquiries.
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I'm with the AA. But he's just told me that it's actually with the Co-op as they use 20 different companies which I never even knew.
I switched and saved 400% a month!
We got ours with Nationwide and they offered free travel insurance if we also held a current account with them, which we did.
^ :-)
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Yes I have a Nationwide account and do get their free travel insurance. Will give them a call x
Unbelievable......I would look around for another insurer, as ummmm mentions, and compare their quotes..... It's almost a certainty that on next renewal with your current insurer, the premium will go up.
We use LV ( Liverpool Victoria ) for all our insurances, such as Home and Contents, Cars, My vast DJ equipment and vinyl records etc.......Never had a problem.

Good luck, Snowball x
We get free travel insurance around the globe and, bearing in mind how much I fly within the year, when fit....grrrrr, and my family too, it saves us a lot every year.
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Ill definitely be having A shop around!
Change company's snowball, they are taking the urine.

I can highly recommend the PO.

I had a lightning strike just over a year ago. and my large flat TV, Sky box, laptop, CCTV camera, and broadband box were all damaged beyond repair.
They paid up without any fuss, didn't have to show any receipts either, and still only pay £7.00 a month.

If you do a search on here, it will show my post about it.
I can't remember who were with before we switched but when we made a claim they were brilliant.

The tank burst in the loft and water was coming down like we were sitting in the rain forest. Tried to turn the water off but the open/close key was broken. Phoned water company and they said someone will be out in a hour. An hour of sitting here with water peeing down every where. I started crying.
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Oh god ummm that sounds horrendous!
Trt that's cheap! We have a lot of computers etc at home (mr Smow has an office at home - works in IT) so they always have to be accounted for
It was. The insurance provided an industrial dehumidifier that was on 24/7 for 3 weeks and even paid the extra in electric.

They asked us for quotes to fix things but just took our word for it without seeing paper work and sent us a cheque which was more than we quoted. Then they sent a carpet fitter for us to pick out a new carpet and took the old one away.

I don't actually know why he switched!!!
That is Mental! They're like vultures! Any little excuse to get more money... Yes quickly change insurance co.
The AA are insurance brokers. They don't provide insurance themselves. The only way you would normally know who the real insurers are is when you look at your policy online or on any paper documentation you get through the post.

Many apparent insurers nowadays are brokers rather than autonomous insurers.

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