Hi there,When filling in online price comparison form for car insurance it asks if you’ve lived in UK from birth or from specific date.If someone was born in UK and moved later in life to Australia for a couple of years,then moved back to UK what should we say? It does seem to make a difference to the premium,but obviously where car insurance is concerned everything needs to be legit and we want all answers to be honest and legal.
Personally I would not bother telling the insurance brokers if I had been out of the UK for just a couple of years.What difference does it make. You could of been in a British HMP for two years and you needn't tell them that as long as it was not a relevant driving conviction.Weird analogy I admit.
if you've lived abroad, you haven't lived in the UK from birth - God knows what hoonish driving habits you might have picked up down under. Give the date when you returned to the UK. If that seems to grossly understate the total time you spent in the UK you could try ringing them for guidance.
They need to know because in the two years you lived abroad you could have committed all sorts of motoring offences; made many insurance claims; committed insurance fraud; been rejected for any sort of insurance.
All these things have a bearing on motor insurance and if they happened abroad you might be tempted not to disclose it