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Paid For Item But Not Recieved, Rm Special Delivery

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nomorewars | 08:42 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Insurance
16 Answers

I bought item on thurs 25 july, company stated on phone to me that a signature be rewuired  this is what i requested as last order was left at my door, luckilly i got it but RM should not have left it,, this last order RM states it was sighned for ,i looked at pic and the parcel was left at my door but i wss out all day, the signature was a quick squiggle probably by the postman, now CCTV outside our main entrance can orove i wasnt in, so who sighned for it, ive requested RM to invedtigate this, the compay i bought from states fully insured delivery. Where do i stand here, parcel was worth £1500 approx,  should i get police involved though ive checked communal hallway theres no ringbell cctv or anything to prove so anyone could have took it or even postman. Ive no home insurance, this is RM issue. 

Your thoughts please



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As a seller I've had things lost in the post. The buyer informs me and I have to make a claim through RM . They are very good, I've had parcels lost in Russia Bolivia and Canada and RM always pay up. The seller needs to refund the buyer then apply for compensation so the sooner you get in touch with the seller the better. 
10:16 Sun 28th Jul 2024
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Sorry typos im using my phone to type this and eyesight is not too good.

You take it up with the seller. The logictics is their responsibility since the company chosen is acting on the seller's behalf.

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Ive just checked the invoice again, it states free insured special delivery so am i insured or is seller insured ? Should i call police or would be investigate this as its between RM and the seller.


You should get your money refunded or replacement of the item by the seller - it's up to them what they do about the missing goods. (my 2 cents)

As in davebro3 says, your contract is with the seller. If the goods are not delivered, it's up to them to claim from the courier, with whom they have a contract. Goods should be refunded or replaced by the seller. If they don't cough up, you can request a chargeback (assuming that you paid by credit card).

you need to contact them quicko. the seller. as the chair says. 

The seller will  squawk. I had this buying antique silver ( I dont now) from an antiques roadshow er star. It turned out that the minion had not put my post  code in end 1AB but had ended it 1-comma-apostrophe

Disappeared into RM and my usual postie was VERY helpful over that one - you can ( with his help) fill out a form about non delivery ( AS WELL as contacting the seller) and

BINGO ! suddenly the goods appeared ! (with the incomplete address) and the screaming died down - about 10 d later

Then it happened again, difft seller so I gave myself  a real gift: I stopped buying silver on the internet.

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Thanks for your advise guys.

PS. i paid via visa debit card.

get on that phone / email - to the seller !

read 3rd line

//luckilly i got it//


TheWinner, refer to second line 'as last order...'

That refers to the first item, The Winner, not this one. However, in the OP it says " CCTV outside our main entrance can prove I wasn't in, so who signed for it?" The CCTV should show who took it, shouldn't it, if if it can prove you weren't in, surely?

"luckilly i got it".....does this mean you HAVE the parcel. If so what's the problem with insurance?

You can still complain to the seller or Royal mail...

Ah sorry, i see what you mean now...the one received was a previous parcel...

As a seller I've had things lost in the post. The buyer informs me and I have to make a claim through RM . They are very good, I've had parcels lost in Russia Bolivia and Canada and RM always pay up. The seller needs to refund the buyer then apply for compensation so the sooner you get in touch with the seller the better. 

Definitely get in touch with seller but I'm curious to know whether the CCTV outside your door shows what happened to the item after the postie left it on the doorstep. 

By re-reading the post, looks like there is external CCTV, but no coverage inside at OP door.

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Paid For Item But Not Recieved, Rm Special Delivery

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