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Car Insurance - Legal Cover

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smudge | 11:21 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | Insurance
21 Answers

Good morning all - I'm just about to renew my car insurance and wondered if it's still worth paying £39 extra for Legal Cover? I usually do, but as I'll be fully comprehensive, I'm wondering how would this extra cost would really benefit me? TIA. 



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I think the legal cover is more to do with providing you with a solicitor to fight, say, a speeding prosecution than the aftermath of an accident.

I doubt if it would fund a defence against prosection for a motoring offence. I could be wrong.

From the Money website

"What protection does legal cover give me that my car insurance policy doesn’t?

You can use your legal cover to claim uninsured losses, including:

Injury to you or any passengers, including medical costs

Recovery of car repair costs if you do not have a comprehensive policy

Excess you have to pay after a crash that was not your fault

Loss of earnings

Expenses like taxi costs and phone calls to your insurer

Legal cover does not pay out compensation to you but recovers the legal costs you incur when you pursue a third party for damages."

It was a godsend to us when we were involved in a fatal pile up. It took over 5 years to get the compensation but the legal cover looked after everything and made sure we got all the treatments we needed when we needed it, interim payments and everything else.  I'm sure life would have been more traumatic without it

"I think the legal cover is more to do with providing you with a solicitor to fight, say, a speeding prosecution than the aftermath of an accident."

Davebro is right. It's actually the exact opposite.

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Thank you for your helpful replies. Yes, the info implies that if you're not fully comp., it may be best to have Legal Cover, but as I'm always fully comp., it doesn't seem worth having that too! I don't remember being offered LC in the 'olden days' either! 😏

Smudge, in the olden days legal aid was available to many. That's no longer the case hence all the 'no win, no fee' claims companies and legal cover.

it's like all insurance - useful if you need to use it, and waste of money if you dont!

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Thanks all and Hi Baz. I've just contacted my Insurance brokers and as they've offered me a really good discount, I've decided to pay the extra LC to keep them happy too! Have a lovely day all. ☺ 

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Bednobs - Exactly that! 

Interesting to know. When some &$$$^*@ ran a red light, wrote of my car, and then took me to court for having the audacity to go through a green traffic light, I was wondering for years if I'd get stung with court costs. It turned out the insurance company must have covered it. But since they knew they were going to, one might have thought they'd be more efficient at getting details right, and also employing a lawyer who would ask as much from the guy bringing the case as their lawyer who grilled me excessively and repeatedly did. Perhaps they just didn't care.

"Yes, the info implies that if you're not fully comp., it may be best to have Legal Cover, but as I'm always fully comp., it doesn't seem worth having that too!"

You can have a Third Pary policy which does provide legal cover. You can have a comprehensive policy which does (mine doesn't). So I don't see the connection.

In the event of an accident, even comprehensive cover can mean you incur some uninsured losses. For example, your policy may have an excess (meaning you pay the first £xx of any claim); it may not provide you with a courtesy car whilst yours is in dock. All sorts of stuff which may require legal assistance to recover.

You need to read what your comprehensive cover actually provides (and just as important, what it doesn't provide).

I haven't needed it since that accident but for us it is worth paying for the peace of mind.

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Thanks New Judge and all. Insurance can get a bit confusing at times, but at least I'm covered with LC again now. I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end Old_Geezer and Baz. ☺  

Just for future reference, you don't have to take out your Legal Cover policy with your insurance provider.

We use "Driver Guardian".  I can't vouch for how good they are as I've never had to use them, but they've got good reviews.

Have a look here:


I rang one up and the school leaver said " nuffin to do with us" and I concluded that she said that to everyone

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Gizmonster - Thank you for the link which I've just read through. Before I pay my annual renewal premium tomorrow morning, I'll mention 'Drive Guardian' to my insurance brokers and see what they have to say. 😉   

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Peter Pendant - who did you contact to receive an unhelpful reply like that?

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