I had an accident a week ago on Sunday and was off work last week from Monday - Friday and then yesterday. This is 6 working days in total.
I self certified myself, but I have still been asked by my employer for a sick note to cover this time off.
I called my docs and asked for one and the receptionist there said that by law, I can self cerify myself for seven working days, weekends not included.
So this would mean that i am within the 7 days as i only had 6 working days off work.
I have told my manager what the docs have said and she has said that weekends are included and so still need a sick note.
I have no idea and i don't want to get into trouble for being absent. Does anyone know the real rules with regards to time off and what i do now.
The docs are more likely to be right, but then why would a manager dispute what the docs say.
It was my body and soul that was hurt in the accident so i'm in the right place - LOL
if you are off on a friday and a monday then it's classed that you have been sick over the weekend too (after all, you are hardly likely to have recovered for just saturday and sunday, whilst having a relapse at 9 am monday)
If you are getting sick pay for 8 days in toal, make sure you get 2 days off for your missed weekend though!
Hi Rosenicola love , must admit I am not sure if the Dr or your employer is right but I just wanted to say how sorry to hear of your accident and hope you are ok now .
I myself would get the sick note from the Dr as the employer wants one anyway. :-) x
I believe Bednobs has it correct. You were off Monday to Friday which is the five days. However as you were also off yesterday, as Bednobs says, then you would still have been classed as sick on the Saturday and Sunday which would take your total if sickness days to 8. So you do need a sick cert.
Yup - bednobs is right. You were off for 8 calendar days so will require a sicknote - check your contract but I would say the receptionist is getting confused. You can't claim time back for the weekend though as these aren't in your normal working hours (I'm presuming).
The first qualifying condition for SSP is that the day on which illness is occurring must be within a period of incapacity for work (PIW).
This means that the person must be incapable of doing the job because of sickness or disability or unable to attend work due to the operation of public health legislation to prevent the spread of infectious disease for at least four or more days in a row. Sundays and public holidays are counted. SSP is not payable for the first three days.