A friend of mind recently had an accident where he hit a patch of ice and flipped his car, (a total write-off) no-one else was involved and he was by himself. He is insured fully-comp, apart from claiming for his car can he claim for PERSONAL INJURY
No - you can't claim for your own injuries off your own insurance.
It was his own fault, so there is no-one to claim from.
However, if it can be proven that the highways agency or local council failed in their duty to adequately grit the road, then he may be able to find a personal injury specialist to take the case on - I wouldn't hold your breath though
Why should he be able to claim for personal injury? He hit the ice, it was obviously cold so he should've been aware that ice would be about and if he flipped his car then he was obviously driving way too fast for the conditions. It's his own stupid fault
In my opinion,he should be glad he's not dead rather than deciding who he can sue which is the problem with society in general nowadays, but that's a whole different rant
No he would effectively be suing himself. The insurers pay out in compo claims but the action is taken against the person deemed to be at fault, ie himself. Legal cover does not imply legal responsibility.