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contents insurance

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ribena70 | 11:40 Wed 11th Jun 2008 | Insurance
8 Answers
how does your contents insurance replace a broken tv?
do they replace it for the price you bought it for?


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Not necessarily, it will be like for like, so if you had a Phillips 42" HD ready plasma, then the insurance will replace with that.
How have you broken it?

Look at the terms of your policy - you will have them in writing somewhere.

You can be very certain the tv you bought is much cheaper now - even the newest version. You are not allowed to profit from your loss, just be put in the position you were.

So you will get a tv of similar spec to the one you have damaged. If you paid �1000 for it,and it costs �700 to replace, you won't be given the �300 difference as well.
Your insurance won't replace a tv that has just broken!
If you have accidental damage cover and have dropped your tv, or dropped something on/in it, then they will repair it if possible (economically) or arrange for either a comparative replacement or the value of a comparative replacement. That is assuming that your policy covers new for old and not just your policy documents carefully!
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thankyou very much for your answers.
our tv fell off the tv stand as we were trying to move the room around and the inside is all smashed.

we paid about 1500 4 years ago its a philips 32" matchline crt tv so its not an lcd or plazma.
we have got accidental damage on our insurance but they dont make crt tvs anymore so what do you think theyll do???
They do make CRTs still but they are hard to find.

Does your policy state 'new for old' or make allowances for fair wear and tear?
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im not really sure all i know that we have accidental damage cover for tv so im not sure what theyll do.

what do u think?
I think you'll probably get a Philips 32" lcd. They cost nothing like �1500
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thats ok i just want a tv.
i hope they can fix mine though because its lush xx

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